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Topic: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread (Read 31846 times) previous topic - next topic

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  • Teshi
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"Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Here is a place to post character information, maps, background info, etc. that is useful for quick reference, and thus should not get lost in the PG or game thread.

I'll start!

  • Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 10:09:41 PM by Teshi

Reply #1
Sergeant First Class, Antigone Palatinate. Karnnathian Special Forces

Ranger (Hunter): Animal Master:

STR 10, CON 10, DEX 20, INT 14, WIS 16, CHA 10

AC: 21 Fort: 16 Ref: 21 Will: 18

HP: 47 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 11

TRAINED SKILLS: Acrobatics +13, Arcana +13, Nature +13, Perception +13, Stealth +14

UNTRAINED SKILLS: Athletics +3, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +3, Heal +6, History +5, Insight +6, Intimidate +3, Religion +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +8

Initiative: 8 [ I can substitute a Perception Check in place of an Initiative Roll.  PCs within 10 squares of me with a lower Initiative get a +2 to Initiative Rolls]

Speed: 7 [I ignore difficult terrain while shifting.]

Passive Insight: 16

Passive Perception: 23

Eagle Eye Goggles
Gloaming Leather Armor +1
Dagger (4)
Short sword
Superior crossbow of Long Range +2
1.   Dispelling Bolt +2 (2)
2.   Spider Bolt +1 (6)
3.   Crossbow Bolts (80)
Belt Pouch
1.   Identification Papers with Portrait
2.   Candle
3.   Flint and Steel
1.   Bedroll
2.   Trail Rations (20 days)
3.   Cold Weather Gear
4.   Hunter's Kit
5.   Torch
Water skin: filled

  • Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 10:42:29 AM by chaoschristian

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #2
Lieutenant Colonel Alarich Karlach, Human Warlock

Strength 10
Constitution 13
Dexterity 10
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 14
Charisma 17

Initiative: +3
Speed: 6
HP: 55, 7 surges/day, surge value 13

AC 20, Fortitude 18, Reflex 22, Will 21 (+2 all vs melee and ranged attack rolls when partially concealed via Shadow Walk)

Noble Presence
Warlock's Curse
Darkspiral Aura
Spiteful Glamor
Eldritch Blast
Eldritch Strike
Decree of Khirad
Your Glorious Sacrifice
Noble Influence
Your Delicious Weakness
Rending Fear of Khirad
Mire the Mind
Improved Defenses
Versatile Expertise (Rod, Light Blade)
Bloodied Boon
Primed Curse
Patron's Guidance (Intimidate, Perception)
Superior Implement Training (Accurate Rod)
Sacrifice to Caiphon
  • Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 06:40:16 AM by jussr

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #3
CAPTAIN OLEG OLEGOV, Vassal of Kol Korran, 6th level Dwarven Warpriest

STR 10 (+0)
CON 19 (+4) [16+2+1]
DEX 10 (+0)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 19 (+4) [16+2+1]
CHA 10 (+0)

HIT POINTS: 56 [19+12+(5×5)]
HEALING SURGES: 11 [7 (base) +4 (attribute)]

AC: 23 [10 +3 (half level) + chainmail (+6+2) + heavy shield (+2)]

FORT 19 [10 +3 (half level) +4 (attribute) +1 (feat) +1 (class)]
REF  16 [10 +3 (half level) +1 (feat) +2 (shield)]
WILL 19 [10 +3 (half level) +4 (attribute) +1 (feat) +1 (class)]

  Hit +12 [+3 (half level) +2 (precision)
           +2 (magic) +4 (attribute) +1 (feat)]
  Damage 1d10+5 [+2 (magic) +2 (half attribute) +1 (feat)]

Diplomacy +8, Heal +12, Insight +12, Religion +9

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +4, Athletics +0, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering +9, Endurance +6, History +4, Intimidate +3, Nature +7, Perception +7, Stealth +0, Streetwise +3, Thievery +0 (includes armor and shield penalties)

Versatile Expertise (free), Improved Defenses (free), Melee Training: Wisdom (2nd), Weapon Focus: Hammers (4th), Kol Korran's Boon(6th), _____________ (1st).

Healing Word
Channel Divinity: Soothing Light
Channel Divinity: Smite Undead
Blessing of Battle
Brand of the Sun
Sun's Glow
Healing Strike
Nimbus of Holy Shielding
Cure Light Wounds
Resurgent Sun
Holy Cleansing
Inspire Fervor
Cure Serious Wounds
  • Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 05:59:06 PM by Diogenes

  • Aden
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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #4
Valenae, level 6
Moon Elf (Eladrin)
Theme: Chevalier
STR 10, CON 11, DEX 17, INT 18, WIS 10, CHA 15
STR 10, CON 11, DEX 14, INT 16, WIS 10, CHA 14
AC: 21 Fort: 14 Ref: 17 Will: 17
HP: 48 Surges: 2 Surge Value: 12
Acrobatics + 11, Arcana + 14, Diplomacy + 12, Intimidate + 12, Stealth + 11
Athletics +3, Bluff +5, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +3, Heal +3, History +9, Insight +3, Nature +3, Perception +3, Religion + 7, Streetwise +5, Thievery +6

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #5
I am not sure if this is TMI or not enough, but here:

Gisaul Leatherleaf at your service (Name may change!)

Half-elf Warlord (Marshal)

level 6
Total XP 7500


AC 19
REF 16

MAX HP 49, bloodied 24

Healing surges value 12, per day 8 surges

Action points (I can't remember what this means!) milestones: 0,1,2, action points 1,2,3
Effect: Gain a standard action this turn. Special: reset to one action point after extended rest, gain 1 action point each milestone

resist 5 Necrotic, 5 poison

Abilities: str. 17, Con.12, Dex. 14.Int. 14, Wis.10, Cha. 15


Melee unarmed 6
Ranged Duelist Longbow 10

Languages common, dwarven, elven

Trained skills: Athletics-strength 10. Diplomacy-charisma 12, Intimidate-charisma 10, Nature-wisdom 10

Untrained skills: Dexterity 4, Intelligence 5, Bluff 5, Dungeoneering 3, Endurance 5, Heal 3, History 5, Insight 5, Perception 5, Religion 5, Stealth 4, Strretwise 5, Thievery 4.

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #6
Your defenses and attack bonus are a bit out of date because we get free feats that I forgot to give you, btw; should be 19 AC, 19 Fort, 17 Ref, 18 Will, and +11 to hit with your longbow.

Relevant info for the rest of us:
Within 10 squares of borealis, we get a +1 racial bonus to diplomacy. 

If we can see and hear her (and are within 10 squares), we get a +2 power bonus to initiative. 

When we can see her and we spend an action point to take an extra action, we regain hit points equal to one-half her level + her Charisma modifier (3 + 2 = 5).

If we have line of sight to her and use our second winds, we also gain temporary hit points equal to one-half her level + her Charisma modifier (3 + 2 = 5).

While traveling with her (see Explorer theme; what 'traveling' means here is a bit unclear, but I think it means significant journeying between places, not simply a constant bonus from her presence), we get a +2 power bonus to Endurance, and our group speed becomes the slowest group member's speed + 1.
  • Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 02:34:05 PM by jussr

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #7

eta: this doesn't include any impermanent bonuses from things like wearing footpads, conditional item bonuses, Shadow Walk, etc
  • Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 06:34:47 PM by jussr

  • Teshi
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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #8
A few notes on religion and general views on the undead in Karrnath:

The worship of the Sovereign Host dominates the
land of Karrnath, despite almost a hundred years in
which the Blood of Vol was the national religion. Boldrei,
Dol Arrah, and Dol Dorn are seen as the patrons
of the land, with a strong emphasis on the virtues of
honor, strength in battle, and love of community.
Divine spellcasters are rare, and most priests fall into
the category of expert, aristocrat, or fighter.

The Blood of Vol still has followers at all levels of
society, because some have ignored Kaius III's restrictions
concerning the religion...Many of the common
folk who revere the Blood see life as a constant struggle
against death, believing that undeath is one way to win
the battle. They know little if anything about Vol or her
plans, but they treat any of the higher forms of undead
(vampires, liches) with reverence and great respect.

The people of Karrnath are grim folk, hardened by
military service and the harshness of their land. Order
and stability are considered to be vital to society, and
the average Karrn tends to hold a lawful outlook. A
Karrn is expected to stand by his word and to protect
those beneath his station. As a military dictatorship
since the start of the Last War, the country has created
a stoic, battle-hardened people. They are proud
of their history and their military tradition, and they
feel that every hardship they must endure simply makes
them stronger...

The Karrns have grudgingly accepted the use of
skeletons and zombies as frontline troops because in
many ways these creatures epitomize the ideals of the
nation; they are strong, tireless warriors that serve
without fear or doubt. While others see Karrns as cold
and ruthless, the people of Karrnath have a softer
side that they conceal from all but their closest family
and friends. When they gather around a roaring fire
on a dark, cold evening, tankards of Nightwood ale
accompany laughter, tales of past glories, and songs
that praise the heroes in their bloodlines.

Earn the friendship of a Karrn and he will stand
with you against any foe. Cross a Karrn, however, and
you gain an enemy who will battle you to the death--
and, perhaps, beyond.

Early in the Last War, plague- and famine-ravaged
Karrnath resorted to using undead soldiers in its army--a
desperate decision that might have saved Karrnath from
utter ruin. Even today, Karrnath keeps undead legions to
defend its borders and to use in case hostilities resume.
Karrnath is not, however, a place where the
undead are integrated into society (unlike Aerenal,
for example, where the undead and the living coexist).
During the Last War, the undead formed separate
military units from Karrnath's living soldiers, and
only rarely performed in joint operations. Today,
the legions of undead remain hidden, both from
the average citizen and the eyes of the other nations.
A relative few Karrnathi skeleton and zombie troops
patrol the borders and serve as special guards in Korth
and Atur, usually at facilities tied to the crown.
The average Karrn finds the intelligent undead
to be at best creepy and at worst completely terrifying.
Karrnathi soldiers have better tolerance, but few want
to socialize with the undead. Everyone appreciates
the role that the undead play in defending Karrnath,
however, and the typical soldier feels a sense of pride
in knowing that he or she can continue to protect the
nation even after death.

As far as I can tell, the bulk of the zombie and skeleton troops are not what you'd call sentient, but there are some exceptions, and of course, there are other types of undead as well, with varying levels of self-determination.

Obviously your own characters' views will vary based on their backgrounds and belief systems :)

Personally I find all the grimness hilarious, ymmv
  • Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 08:07:28 PM by Teshi

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #9

Dog: small natural beast

Level 1 Minion Skirmisher

HP: 1; a missed attack never damages a minion

Speed: 7
Initiative: +4
Perception: +7

AC:  20, FORTITUTE: 16, REFLEX: 17, WILL: 17

STR: 8 (-1)  DEX: 15 (+2)  WIS: 14 (+2)  CON: 13 (+1)  INT: 2 (-4)  CHA: 11 (0)

On the Track: While within 10 squares of the dog, the dog's master gains a +4 bonus to Perception checks made to find or follow tracks.

  • Teshi
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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #10
Palitinate: Common, Elven
Leatherleaf: Common, Dwarven, Elven
Astra: Common, Dwarven
Mari: Common, Quori
Valenae: Common, Elven
Oleg: Common, Dwarven

  • Teshi
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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #11

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #12
Your defenses and attack bonus are a bit out of date because we get free feats that I forgot to give you, btw; should be 19 AC, 19 Fort, 17 Ref, 18 Will, and +11 to hit with your longbow.

Relevant info for the rest of us:
Within 10 squares of borealis, we get a +1 racial bonus to diplomacy. 

If we can see and hear her (and are within 10 squares), we get a +2 power bonus to initiative. 

When we can see her and we spend an action point to take an extra action, we regain hit points equal to one-half her level + her Charisma modifier (3 + 2 = 5).

If we have line of sight to her and use our second winds, we also gain temporary hit points equal to one-half her level + her Charisma modifier (3 + 2 = 5).

While traveling with her (see Explorer theme; what 'traveling' means here is a bit unclear, but I think it means significant journeying between places, not simply a constant bonus from her presence), we get a +2 power bonus to Endurance, and our group speed becomes the slowest group member's speed + 1.

jussr, what are the free feats please?

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #13

Karrnath campaign starting date: 6 Aryth, 998YK.  Far.  First Olladay of Yeardeath.

The Galifar calendar, the dominant one, has 7 days to the week, 4 weeks to the month, and 12 months to the year.
Days: Sul, Mol, Zol, Wir, Zor, Far, Sar
Months: Zarantyr, Olarune, Therendor, Eyre, Dravago, Nymm, Lharvion, Barrakas, Rhaan, Sypheros, Aryth, Vult

The Sovereign calendar, in use before the kingdom of Galifar came into being and still used to track holy days, has 16 days to the week, 7 weeks to the season, and 3 seasons to the year.
Days: Aureday, Karrnday, Kolday, Baliday, Thranday, Olladay, Galday, Bolday, Brelday, Onaday, Araday, D'arrday, Aunday, Dornday, Cyrday, Hostday
Seasons: Yearbirth, Yeargrowth, Yeardeath

The first Aureday of Yeargrowth (so the Sovereign calendar's New Year's Day equivalent) falls on 1 Therendor.

The Silver Flame's holidays fall on lots of days, but since as far as I'm aware we have no worshippers along I will not bother mentioning them!  The Sovereign Host holidays fall on 15 Therendor, 26 Dravago, 12 Nymm, 4 Barrakas, and 9 Rhaan, so hopefully the details of them won't matter in the course of this adventure either.  At the end of Vult is Long Shadows, which we can come back to if we're still going by then.  20 Olarune is the anniversary of the Day of Mourning (994YK), as well as the ratification of the Treaty of Thronehold two years later, which formalised the peace.

(I think this is all correct, but I'm going partially off notes I made where I failed to cite my sources, soooo.....)

  • Teshi
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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #14

  • Teshi
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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" Reference Thread
Reply #15
Leveling Progress Record
Level 6: 
(5 encounters/challenges/etc. = one level)

Next one is the level up & booty bump.  If you haven't already sent me your wishlist, you might wish to do so soon!