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Messages - Aden

I look at him.

"Who are you?"
"Eladrin, why are you hiding beneath a blanket?" the newcomer asks idly, still focused on his writing.

"Skin condition.  Errant magic.  Fire. " I say idly as i watch Astra.
"Oh, ffs.....look, thanks....great...just peachy."

I see Astra riding away.

"Where is she going?"
[5 plus whatever my modifier is.  Brand new phone]
[As long as it is currently dark and not on fire. What time is it?]
"Great," I say before limping into the cool, dark depths and sinking gratefully onto the hay. I lie back and clasp my hands over my abdomen. And relax.
"I'd really like to catch up and mention our recent meeting but I'm also pretty banged up. I need a sleep or some food, or both, before I fly off the handle."

I look suggestively at Astra and lick my lips.
"Cause I just walked out of a fire mate, and I feel a little bit singed," I say companionably. [Diplomacy 13+12=25]

"Now, about these irons...

"Er, Pepper, remember that woman we knew, tough as an old boot and twice as pretty? I saw her recently. Small world isn't it?"

[Bluff 5+12=17 so the drovers don't twig]
I raise an eyebrow in response to the pantomine.


I grab Oleg's blanket and my own and stride quickly to the doorway.


I gratefully wrap it around my head and inch out to a patch of shade.

"Thanks boss."

I look at the drovers.

"We were ambushed by brigands. Could you please take these bloody things off?"
Falcon stance +2 to speed

Crawl to Oleg and drag him towards the door with me.

Athletics to drag 17+3=20

Phone posting. No fancy formatting.

I throw blankets over the pair of them to protect them from the flames.

And I spend my last healing surge.

[What constitutes an encounter? I'd like to turn into a bat again.]
Oh Bugger this for a game of soldiers.

"Anyone with delicate sensibilities needs to look away now."

I don't bother waiting for them.

I draw my essence into my core. I'm still bound but I can feel my arms shrinking. The ropes, they're staying with me. The shackles too. Not the chair though, thank Whatever for that. There, I'm a bat.

I fly out the open door and head straight to the barn where the commander said he left our weapons. A tight spiral before I land affords me a glimpse of a lone figure riding south. I strain to see who it is.

I land near the pile of weapons and concentrate. Within two seconds I have filled out perfectly and am looking down at Bloodclaw. I squat next to and grasp it in my manacled hands. Carefully I work at the ropes holding me. It doesn't take long to slice through enough rope to to free myself. I'm still bound at the wrists but I have enough freedom to work with. I grab handfuls of hay and dunk them in the water trough.  Horse blankets follow. I make sure they are drenched before I dunk myself too, then I run back to the inn, trailing water.

I smear water all over my head and yell through the flaming doorway.

"I'm coming in! Stay out of the way!"

And then I run back in.

Stupid idiot. You're going to get yourself killed.

[Checks: acrobatics to fly through the door without burning myself 19 + 6 = 25

Perception to see who was riding away 12 + 6 = 18

While being stealthy 10 + 12 = 22

Athletics to make it back in while carrying heavy hay and blankets 14 + 3 = 17]
I'm at work atm. I'll skill check in a couple of hours.
[SO the serving girl they took with then has the keys. Convenient.]
Wow, a journal. How very convenient :D
I catch the glance.


I hold my arms out.
"I was supposed to keep my mouth shut too, but it turns out I'm not very good at that.

"End result is that we're search and rescue. Whatever the motives of those who sent us, that is what we do. We find soldiers and we bring them home."
I catch her glance.

Shit. Shit shit. Bloody hell. Umpteen years old and still an idiot.
"I'm clearly not from a Spire, genius," I snort, "otherwise I wouldn't have been swanning around with the bloody army for the last hundred years, would I?

"But this is something I am suddenly very interested in. I need to get back to the Fort. When are you planning on releasing us?"
"Wait, what?  Eladrin?" I exclaim.  "He's an elf!"

"You Karrns have a thing about Eladrin, don't you?" he observes.  "I was never clear on what they were supposed to have done.  Yes, they're heathen savages from a wicked realm, but so are most people.  As a people they're not unredeemable."
"Uh, they kidnap and murder people?" I say incredulously.  "You don't... someone gets taken by eladrin, they're just gone."  I look over to the vampire and say disgustedly, "How the fuck did you ever get sent along with us.  Does anyone even know what you really are, or did they just decide it don't much matter if you got hungry along the way with nobody else around and didn't bother telling no one, neither?" 

Did you know? I don't ask, glancing at Olegov.

"Oh, do shut up Astra. You sound more and more like a peasant every time you open your mouth.

"It's amazing how often Eladrin get blamed when someone goes missing. Farmer Joe gone missing? It must be those evil fey folk, not that Farmer Joe is sick of his wife and seven kids and has a mistress three villages over.

"I know who I am. Other people know who I am. I would let you read my service notes when we get back so you can see how many of my compatriots I have saved, but quite frankly, I don't owe you that."

I lean back wearily.

"This is getting boring. Get to the point please."
"It isn't cannibalism if we aren't of the same species. And don't you try to take the high road about murder. I can see the blood dripping from your holier than thou mouth."

Tarravan touches his lacerated face.  "I believe that's from your assault on me," he says mildly.  "Do you consider us not the same species because you're Eladrin, or because you're dead?"

"I beg your pardon, Mr Hypocrite, you attacked us first. You don't get to decide what is a fair fight. You bloody idealistic dick. 'Ooh, he scratched me with his nails, the ungentlemanly brute!' Meanwhile he's throwing radiant spells all over the place with no thought as to the scars they can leave.

"You decided that I'm not the same species as you, you overblown, pretentious douche, when you referred to me as it. And then you're shocked when I act like an animal.

"I am an Eladrin. I was born one a few hundred years ago. I also happen to be a vampire. I had as much choice over that as I did being born Eladrin. And yes, I do drink blood, but I answer to myself over that, not some primped Paladin.

"So if you think you can sit in judgement of me, you can get fucked. Royally. And totally. You have no idea who I am. And I don't answer to half assed courts.

"Now if you want something from us, we can talk. But you want to play Fist of Justice, you can put her dick," a gesture towards Atrelioth, " in your fist and play with that instead."
[Val isn't doing anything]
"It openly admits to murder and cannibalism," the commander observes, looking nauseated under his healthy tan.  "I do not think you did it any favors by insisting it face due process rather than a quick clean end in combat."

"It isn't cannibalism if we aren't of the same species. And don't you try to take the high road about murder. I can see the blood dripping from your holier than thou mouth."
I inch away from the vampire a little, looking over in horror.

"Relax kid, I only eat bad people. And despite your peasant prejudices you aren't a bad person."
"Well that's interesting. Do you serve your version of Karrnath? Or a different country?"

"My turn," he says.  "How many people have you eaten?"

"Seven," I reply promptly, "but they were all bad people. There was a shepherd named Brad who had raped a very young woman. There was two priests of the Silver Flame who decided that they wanted a prosperous farm in Zilargo so they accused the owners, an elderly couple, of witchcraft and convinced the villagers to burn them at the stake. They were delicious.

"I only 'eat' bad people. Usually I sup, just a little. What would you taste like commander? Would you taste sour, like a lifetime of evil deeds? Or would your blood be pure, like fresh honey?"
I hand them over. I'm not a complete idiot.

"I have a question. Who benefits from a weakened Karrnath?"

"Anyone who doesn't want to be a zombie?" Atrelioth scoffs.

Tarravan replies evenly, "I suppose that depends on whether one views Karrnath as a single entity."

"Well that's interesting. Do you serve your version of Karrnath? Or a different country?"