Falcon stance +2 to speedCrawl to Oleg and drag him towards the door with me. Athletics to drag 17+3=20Phone posting. No fancy formatting.
I take a deep breath, my head close to the floor, and wriggle my way over to the door. Done what I could for the other two when I'm still chained up like this, and I gotta get out before I pass out.[Endurance: 11+10=21!]
"Yeah, I got tools in the...seriously, is that a GHOST?" the drover asks. She makes a sign of warding.
Quote from: Teshi on June 16, 2016, 05:28:01 PM"Yeah, I got tools in the...seriously, is that a GHOST?" the drover asks. She makes a sign of warding."You know that doesn't actually do anything, right?"
"Yeah, it's a ghost, but it aint currently attacking anyone, so how about we get me and the dwarf outta these chains so we can keep you safe if it starts attacking, yeah?" I suggest. My eyes flick to the vampire still hovering in the doorway of the inn, his own manacles back now that he's no longer a bat, and add, my tone a polite suggestion and my eyes on the captain, "Just you and me, if you like?"
I raise an eyebrow in response to the pantomine. "Huh."I grab Oleg's blanket and my own and stride quickly to the doorway. "Here."
Quote from: chaoschristian on June 16, 2016, 05:48:05 PMI raise an eyebrow in response to the pantomine. "Huh."I grab Oleg's blanket and my own and stride quickly to the doorway. "Here." I gratefully wrap it around my head and inch out to a patch of shade."Thanks boss."I look at the drovers. "We were ambushed by brigands. Could you please take these bloody things off?"