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Topic: New campaign signup! (Read 59763 times) previous topic - next topic

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  • Teshi
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New campaign signup!
Uncle Wultram wants you!

Top Ten Reasons to Join the Karrnathi Army:
10.  It's compulsory
9. It's compulsory
8. It's compulsory
7. It's compulsory
6. It's compulsory
5. It's compulsory
4. It's compulsory
3. It's compulsory
2. It's compulsory
1. Make lifelong (and undeathlong) friends!

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #1
What:  A 4e D&D Campaign in Three Acts, Wherein You Play a Karrnathi Soldier Dispatched on a Very Important Quest
Where:  Right here! 
When:  Starting about a month from now (give or take for everyone to be ready), ending by mid-August at the VERY latest
Who:  You!  4 to 7 of you, to be exact.  And me as the DM.
Why:  Why not?

Player character guidelines:
  • Level 6
  • Your character is part of Karrnath's military.  It is up to you whether you're an officer or enlisted, career military or conscript, etc.
  • Choose appropriate equipment for a level 6; if it's not in-character for your PC to have snazzy items at the start of the game, you can "be issued them from the armory" shortly after the game starts
  • If you wish to be an outre class or race, or play an evil alignment, talk to me about it first so we can figure out how that'll work, eh?
  • Consider this general concept: skilled enough to send on a risky mission, wouldn't be TERRIBLY missed by their higher-ups if lost on a risky mission
  • This campaign is set a few years after the Treaty of Thronehold.

Okay, but what the hell's a Karrnath?
Read this!

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #2

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #3
Me too!

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #4
QIIBFA (Questions I Imagine Being Frequently Asked):
  • Are you going to suck less at DMing this time?
    I sure hope so!  I have a delineated plan, and jack else to do this summer, so...
  • Why 4e?  Don't you know 4e is passe?
    Because I know 4e and its byzantine bureaucratic backcatalog of materials, for better or worse.
  • I have/haven't played before - should I join?

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #5

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #6
1.  MartinM
2.  jussr
3.  borealis
4. ...

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #7
Reporting for duty, sir!

  • oblivion
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #8

I never did figure out how to calculate actions last time. :/

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #9
Reporting for duty, sir!


I never did figure out how to calculate actions last time. :/

Now's your opportunity!

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #10

I never did figure out how to calculate actions last time. :/
I am here for you!

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #11
I didn't fall into the war, the war fell on me.

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #12

1.  MartinM
2.  jussr
3.  borealis
4.  Diogenes
5.  oblivion?
6.  chaos
7.  ...

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #13
The people of Karrnath are a disciplined people accustomed to military law. After humans, who make up over half the population, dwarves constitute the second largest group in Karrnath, unsurprising given the nation's proximity to the Mror Holds. Halflings, often from the Talenta Plains, are the next most common, followed by half-elves and elves. In pursuit of Karrnath's efforts to improve its military might, it has begun to accept dragonborn warriors immigrating from Q'barra.

For a time, the Blood of Vol was the government supported state religion of Karrnath. Those days have ended under Kaius III, but the faith is still practiced commonly throughout the nation. Most of Khorvaire's citizens devote themselves to the Sovereign Host, and a sizable minority worships the Dark Six. Karrns favor dark clothing, crisp lines, and military dress; formal wear among civilians closely resembles official uniforms. Bright colors are considered appropriate only for children, and wearing such colors to a formal function is a minor faux pas.

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #14
Your characters can have the feats Improved Defenses and Versatile Expertise for free, by the way.  We'll say it's by dint of your military training  :D

Mostly I just want to free up some feat slots for interesting builds.

Versatile Expertise
Heroic Tier
Benefit: Choose a weapon group and an implement type. You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls both when using a weapon from the chosen group and when using an implement of the chosen type. The bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat, choose a different weapon group and a different implement type.
Published in Player's Handbook 3, page(s) 184.

Improved Defenses
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.
Published in Heroes of the Fallen Lands, page(s) 315, Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms, page(s) 315.

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #15
For your reference:

Rank plays an important role in any military campaign. Those used in the armies of the Five Nations are based on the old army of Galifar and are given below in ascending order.

Title   Ranking
Soldier      0
Sergeant      1
Lieutenant   2
Captain      3
Major      4
Colonel      5
General      6
Warlord      7

In Karrnath, warlord is also a hereditary title bestowed on the highest-ranking nobles of the land. Those who rise to the top of the military chain receive an additional qualifier. Thus, Karrn General Thauram is also a warlord, but he serves under First Warlord Gruden ir'Erdei, who fills the role of warlord in terms of military rank.

I'm cool with adding intermediate ranks like 2nd Lieutenant or Staff Sergeant if it fits your character concept.  It also seems to me that there'd be non-combat positions like farriers and cooks...basically, feel free to be creative.

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #16
Demographics of Karrnath
52% Human
18% Dwarf
10% Halfling
8% Half-elf
8% Elf
4% Other

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #17
Okay, who's thinking of making what re defender, controller, leader, striker?  We will need a reasonably balanced party!

I have a potential build that's half defender, half controller - a fighter/seeker hybrid.  Building her to have a good damage output, though; she won't be awesome as a defender (no way to heal herself, but she's pretty sturdy).  She'd work best in concert with another defender, I think.

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #18
I'm going with a defender myself.

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #19
I am building an offender.  Charisma 8.

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #20
Since we are soldiers, do we have to worry about gear like bedrolls, etc ourselves or are you going to requisition a standard load-out for each of us?

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #21
Since we are soldiers, do we have to worry about gear like bedrolls, etc ourselves or are you going to requisition a standard load-out for each of us?

You'll be issued a travel kit with that kind of stuff (rations, bedroll, flint and tinder, etc.)  But do choose the level 6 items (5/6/7 magic items and the gp or it's worth in stuff) you want for your particular character's build.  The gp and magic items are a lot for a normal soldier, so if it'd be OOC for your character to be so fancy,  you can be issued it from the stores for this mission during the game's prologue.
  • Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 02:41:02 PM by Teshi

Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #22
I'm thinking of a dwarf Karrnath loyalist with the Mark of Warding who belongs to the Corps of Military Accountants. Unsure about which class, though.

Maybe a cleric? Who is the god of bean-counters in Eberron, Kol Korran?
  • Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 05:10:23 AM by Diogenes

  • Aden
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #23

I'll fill in whatever gaps are left.

I came up with an awesome Dark Elf pun name earlier but I forgot it. I'm sad about that.

  • Teshi
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Re: New campaign signup!
Reply #24

1.  MartinM
2.  jussr
3.  borealis
4.  Diogenes
5.  oblivion?
6.  chaos
7.  Aden

Get me characters by April 16 or so, yeah?