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Topic: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread (Read 350613 times) previous topic - next topic

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  • Teshi
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"Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Hi!  Game thread is up!

/draws a deep breath before plunging into the icy water

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #1
Would a warpriest be considered a military chaplain? And chaplains don't have a rank, correct?

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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #2
Would a warpriest be considered a military chaplain? And chaplains don't have a rank, correct?

The chaplain bit sounds right to me, especially for a Sovereign Host one, since they're supposed to be less partisan, so it'd be weird for them to join as soldiers, yeah?  I think in the US chaplains have ranks based on seniority, but this is Nerd Transylvania, so however you want to worldbuild it is fine with me, lol.

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #3
Chaplains typically start rank as Captain with a possible promotion to Major and Colonel.   I think.

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #4
If they're an actual priest of the Sovereign Host (i.e., ordained by the Host church) I wouldn't expect them to be serving at all, given the government non-interference thing.  But clerics certainly don't have to be priests or accepted by the official church hierarchy in any way.  If Karrnath's army has military chaplains, I'm sure they'd jump at the chance to get a cleric in that position for the Host followers.  And probably lord it over the church, as well :D

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #5
Also, Astra:

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #6
Teshi, you thought 16 for the age compulsory service would start, all else being equal, yeah?

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #7
If they're an actual priest of the Sovereign Host (i.e., ordained by the Host church) I wouldn't expect them to be serving at all, given the government non-interference thing.  But clerics certainly don't have to be priests or accepted by the official church hierarchy in any way.  If Karrnath's army has military chaplains, I'm sure they'd jump at the chance to get a cleric in that position for the Host followers.  And probably lord it over the church, as well :D
Makes sense. I was thinking my character's calling came through a religious experience while serving in the Karrnath military.

While the Sovereign Host are distant gods when compared to pantheons outside of Eberron, it wouldn't be unheard of for someone to have a conversion experience of some kind, would it?

  • Teshi
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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #8
I was wondering how the Catholic Church handles this IRL, since there are totally Catholic priest chaplains, but Catholic priests aren't free to join the military, so I googled.  Turns out the Church has an "Archdiocese for the Military Services" and priests assigned to chaplaincies are part of that and sort of on-loan to whatever military branch of whatever country.  Or something like that, IDK, I got distracted by noodles.  Mmm, noodles.

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #9
I got distracted by noodles.  Mmm, noodles.

Potts approves.  Oh, wait ...

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #10
Chaplains typically start rank as Captain with a possible promotion to Major and Colonel.  I think.
Captain, eh? Hmmm... I guess I could see this character getting promoted (too) quickly because he's a military chaplain who is an honest-to-gods cleric.

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #11
If they're an actual priest of the Sovereign Host (i.e., ordained by the Host church) I wouldn't expect them to be serving at all, given the government non-interference thing.  But clerics certainly don't have to be priests or accepted by the official church hierarchy in any way.  If Karrnath's army has military chaplains, I'm sure they'd jump at the chance to get a cleric in that position for the Host followers.  And probably lord it over the church, as well :D
Makes sense. I was thinking my character's calling came through a religious experience while serving in the Karrnath military.

While the Sovereign Host are distant gods when compared to pantheons outside of Eberron, it wouldn't be unheard of for someone to have a conversion experience of some kind, would it?

Hmm.  I think it'd depend on the experience?  Some outward miracle wouldn't be the sort of things the gods of the Host do (unless it's a miracle performed by a cleric, of course), but a more inward experience/presumed revelation, sure.

For my own cleric, Lula was brought up as a Host follower and started working to become a priest after watching her priest/cleric mentor healing people and otherwise being a great guy, because she wanted both structure and some sort of real accomplishment in her life.  Her cleric powers, healing in particular, manifested about six months or so later, when she was working to keep dying people alive with mundane approaches and was about to fail and lose someone.  It was a moment when she first had a genuine, deep faith, albeit one rather mixed with desperation, but she'd probably describe it simply as the gods choosing her to serve them.

So yeah, someone having a conversion experience that involved their powers manifesting would probably be fine, I'd think!

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #12
Captain, eh? Hmmm... I guess I could see this character getting promoted (too) quickly because he's a military chaplain who is an honest-to-gods cleric.
That (overly fast and undeserved authority/respect because she's a cleric) is pretty much exactly what happened to Lula as a priest lol

  • Teshi
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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #13
Teshi, you thought 16 for the age compulsory service would start, all else being equal, yeah?

Yeah, seems like a reasonable age for the enrollment window to open, given the Industrial Revolution-y setting.  For most races, anyway.

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #14
a more inward experience/presumed revelation, sure.

This. Totally what I had in mind.

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #15
Chaos - basic soldier, not a civilian.  I edited my description post to reflect this.

Black's a good colour for the non-ranking Karrnathi soldier uniforms, right?

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #16
Chaos - basic soldier, not a civilian.  I edited my description post to reflect this.

Black's a good colour for the non-ranking Karrnathi soldier uniforms, right?

That was Palitinate's impression.  I figured she probably was in the service or ranked somehow.

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #17
Ah, fair enough; black clothing and a black uniform that's underneath armour probably look pretty similar, especially when you're all hunched over on yourself.

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #18
Also I think we are sort of making up the uniforms and courtesies as we go here.  It's not like we have a manual of uniforms, insignia and whatnot to go by. 

I'm just using what I know from my experience in the Civil Air Patrol.

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #19
Windage Adjustment Tables.

  • Teshi
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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #20
Also I think we are sort of making up the uniforms and courtesies as we go here.  It's not like we have a manual of uniforms, insignia and whatnot to go by. 

I'm just using what I know from my experience in the Civil Air Patrol.

I'm basing everything on my vague undergraduate recollections from Russian literature, so...yes.  lol 

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #21
Hi guys.

  • Teshi
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Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #22

Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Reply #23

I'll post my stats in a bit. Still a bit nameless.

Reply #24
Oh! I have other virtues! Things!
Deathcut hide armour, Climber's Rope, Healing Brooch,

...and I need to talk to jussr. :D