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Topic: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game (Read 28295 times) previous topic - next topic

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Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
I am posting this now because if there is interest it will take me as long as Teshi's game to get it ready, but by no means do I want to detract or distract from Malcontents.

Last summer I ran a game for my teens that is basically a run away from the overwhelming horde and last as long as you can game.

We had fun with it.

It is a sci-fi/fantasy based one-shot world, very Mad Max in nature with rocket launchers, machine guns, motorcycles and maybe a mechanized armored tarrasque.

If this kind of game interests you, let me know in your response.

It is race restricted.  All PCs are dwarves.  No restrictions on character classes.

If there is a enough interest, I'll start the work of converting it from 5E to 4E for you.

Also, don't get attached to your character.

  • Aden
  • [*][*][*]
Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #1
I'll have a go.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #2
Likewise. Also, if converting it is a big job, I'm up for trying it in 5e.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #3
I would love to teach you guys 5e.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #4
Oh, right; what level would we be starting at? I need to generate about a dozen character builds before finally going with something completely different, so I'd better start early.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #5

If 5e I would say Level 5.

If 4e I would say Level 16. That's Paragon right?

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #6
Mid-paragon, yeah. Good level for interesting builds, actually, since that's when many paragon paths have their most useful stuff.

  • Aden
  • [*][*][*]
Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #7
I'll play 5e. I have the starter PDFs.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #8
I'd play 5e−my tabletop group has been playing 5e since it came out.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #9
I will try, of course, but what do you guys think of learning (for those of us to whom the term applies) 5e with a different game?  I'm thinking that one where the focus is on making an effective build rather than crafting a character is better suited to a known system, so we don't die five minutes in of not knowing what we're doing.

(Incidentally, I still have these four level 16s built for an arena game... :P )

  • Aden
  • [*][*][*]
Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #10
I like that idea too.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #11
Well, I have several games ready.  Any of which could be used to teach 5E.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #12
Do muls count as dwarves?

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #13
Also, Duergar? Revenant Dwarves?

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #14
Ghost dwarves? :P

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #15
War dwarvz! Witness me!

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #16
If y'all a more character driven game with an easier learning curve to help introduce 5e to players new to it I have just the game for it.

We can do the survival game later.

  • Teshi
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  • Moderator
Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #17
I'll play anything if the group is fun.  Also, I want to learn 5e. 

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #18
I'm playing tabletop 5e right now. 18th level wizard in a high level campaign. This edition seems to scale very well at higher levels.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #19
Yes it does.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #20
OK.  I've decided on a game. 

Characters will start off as level 3 and the game will proceed through level 6.

No restrictions on classes.

One restriction on races: no dragonborn.  I really, really, really do not like dragonborn PCs.

I'll post a game thread sometime soon.  Still not going any further than this until Teshi's game concludes though.

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #21
Two questions: are we allowed to take feats? And, if so, can humans take the Variant Human Traits option?

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #22
Two questions: are we allowed to take feats? And, if so, can humans take the Variant Human Traits option?

Yes and yes!

I love 5E feats.  And I am believer that the only good human build is the variant build.

  • Teshi
  • [*][*][*][*][*]
  • Moderator
Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #23
I haven't given 5e any more than a cursory look.  Can you point me to a good jumping-off point for character building?

Re: Apocalyptic Horde Survival Game
Reply #24
Well, there's no character builder for 5E.  WotC explicitly announced that the Character Builder was a "4E thing".

I *highly* recommend the youtube channel Nerdarchy.  Also  Also the nerdarch reddit and Facebook.  [what do you mean "Am I a sponsor of Nerdarchy?"]

Do you have the 5E PHB or the PDF starter pack?  Both have a step by step on how to build a character.  Much the same process as always but the particulars have changed.

Seriously, they have a lot of good, shortish videos on how to build various classes for 5E.