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D&D / Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Last post by Aden -
Yup, hiatus sounds good. I'm working an obscene numbers of hours a week and barely have time to scratch myself. I'm going to give the dungeon crawl a miss too.
D&D / Re: Google Hang-outs
Last post by jussr -
I dunno man, that sounds like it would require pants.
D&D / Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Last post by jussr -
I will definitely not get attached to my character or give them a backstory and an extended family tree.
D&D / Re: Google Hang-outs
Last post by chaoschristian -
All you need is a web cam and a mic (usually included with the web cam). I've been doing once a month live sessions with Nerdarchy on Google Hangouts. It works well.
I'm thinking some carefully scheduled live sessions may be an option. Just thinking and asking. For my game y'all are signed up for, we can run it play by post here on the forum. But if there is enough interest in live play, I'd run it like too.
I'm thinking some carefully scheduled live sessions may be an option. Just thinking and asking. For my game y'all are signed up for, we can run it play by post here on the forum. But if there is enough interest in live play, I'd run it like too.
D&D / Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Last post by chaoschristian -
That's what I have in mind.
D&D / Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Last post by jussr -
Works for me. Maybe a good thing for us all at the moment in terms of time and energy levels would be with something less RP and more combat focused? Dungeon crawl or the like?
D&D / Re: Google Hang-outs
Last post by jussr -
Live? How would that work?
This sounds different and scary!
This sounds different and scary!
D&D / Re: Google Hang-outs
Last post by Teshi -
I'm up for anything, if timezones can be made to cooperate.
D&D / Google Hang-outs
Last post by chaoschristian -
Are the usual suspects here amenable to using scheduled Google Hang-out sessions to run game sessions live?
D&D / Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Last post by chaoschristian -
I am interested in contiuing Pepper's descent into PTSD madness. I mean, ues let's pick up the adventure when we can.
I'll post an update in my game thread soon. I am making some changes so don't get too hyped up on your characters yet.
I am interested in contiuing Pepper's descent into PTSD madness. I mean, ues let's pick up the adventure when we can.
I'll post an update in my game thread soon. I am making some changes so don't get too hyped up on your characters yet.