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Topic: In search of the elusive free range smilies (Read 25719 times) previous topic - next topic

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  • oblivion
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In search of the elusive free range smilies
Please post links to smilies we must have...and suggest a :tag: for them.  Please note, I have installed an emoji library so you may run into some :tangerine: that have already been taken.  But really, what's a forum without :eggplant: ?

Re: In search of the elusive free range smilies
Reply #1
An idea I have had that might work most perfectly here;
How about a collection of original user made/ submitted smilies?

  • oblivion
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Re: In search of the elusive free range smilies
Reply #2

  • oblivion
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  • Administrator
Re: In search of the elusive free range smilies
Reply #3
One thing that would be great is if a smilie artist wants to take on replacement of the default smilie set (the first 16 in the reply area).  That's one of the worst smilie sets I've ever seen in terms of visibility, contrast, etc.

I can look for a set to replace them, but something unique to our community would be great!

Re: In search of the elusive free range smilies
Reply #4
Here are some mindromp ones I miss: