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Topic: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents (Read 597656 times) previous topic - next topic

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  • oblivion
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #500
Eyes half closed, I stare sleepily across the main room of the inn into the fire crackling merrily on the hearth.  A warm meal, a hot tub of water and a good night's sleep on a lumpy mattress sounds infinitely better than my recent sad lack of roofed accommodations.  My purse is slim, but adequate, and I have high hopes of a significant addition to the remainder of my wages before the sun rises.

I search the room with a sweeping glance wondering if the party I am to meet is already here somewhere among the gruff and grubby patrons lounging on benches or bellied up to the bar.

An observer would see Ivello Balich, a slight and wiry half-elf in his early 20s, dressed somewhat fastidiously for a soldier of his lowly rank.  His black hair is combed and caught neatly in a braid, and his beard is recently trimmed.  His hands have callouses in all the right places, though his nails are trimmed and grime-free.  His short cloak has seen better days, but the embroidered trim shows remnants of rich colors.

  • Teshi
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #501
Eyes half closed, I stare sleepily across the main room of the inn into the fire crackling merrily on the hearth.  A warm meal, a hot tub of water and a good night's sleep on a lumpy mattress sounds infinitely better than my recent sad lack of roofed accommodations.  My purse is slim, but adequate, and I have high hopes of a significant addition to the remainder of my wages before the sun rises.

I search the room with a sweeping glance wondering if the party I am to meet is already here somewhere among the gruff and grubby patrons lounging on benches or bellied up to the bar.

A petite human woman approaches you.  You take in the fine even weave of her otherwise ordinary travelling clothes, the way her cosmetics perfectly match her coloring, and most of all, the careless confidence of her walk, and you smell money - not ostentatious money, but definite money.  "Ivello?" she inquires, although you don't know her.

  • oblivion
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #502
I rise hastily and sketch a bow.  "T'is I, would you join me?"  I catch the barman's eye, and note the quick gleam of avarice as he reconsiders the likely take for my table.

  • Teshi
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #503
I rise hastily and sketch a bow.  "T'is I, would you join me?"  I catch the barman's eye, and note the quick gleam of avarice as he reconsiders the likely take for my table.

She seats herself, motions precise and controlled.  Her features are angular in the manner common among noble Karrns, and she could be anywhere from a particularly polished twenty-something to a particularly youthful forty-something.  Her dark hair is wound in a thick braid around the crown of her head, and her clothes are rather too warm for this early in the season, you think.  "Bloody Maril," she orders, when the serving girl comes around.

  • oblivion
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #504
I wait until the barmaid returns with the lady's drink before taking another sip of my ale.

"I'm honored.  And curious who would send one such as you to this godsforsaken establishment at the ass-end of nowhere."

  • Teshi
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #505
I wait until the barmaid returns with the lady's drink before taking another sip of my ale.

"I'm honored.  And curious who would send one such as you to this godsforsaken establishment at the ass-end of nowhere."

"Now, now," she says, her mouth straight but something of a smile showing in her eyes, "This is our homeland you're speaking of."  She gives the inn a dispassionate look around, then says to you, in a normal tone of voice, to not draw attention, but pitched low enough not to carry,  "I'm informed you're both flexible and in need of funds."

  • oblivion
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #506
"Funds are always welcome, provided they don't come at too high a cost to my hide."  Though I ignore the implications behind the word "flexible", I do wonder what she's heard about the elasticity of my morals when it comes to a paying side job.

  • Teshi
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #507
"Funds are always welcome, provided they don't come at too high a cost to my hide."  Though I ignore the implications behind the word "flexible", I do wonder what she's heard about the elasticity of my morals when it comes to a paying side job.

"The job is straightforward," she says.  "You join a group of soldiers that have been sent to retrieve an artifact.  After it's recovered, you bring it to me, rather than allowing them to deliver it to their commanding officer."  She tilts her head.  "This may entail spelunking.  You'll receive a hazard bonus."

  • oblivion
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #508
I study the lady quizzically, wondering if she's to be trusted, and what her true purpose is, and for that matter, what group or person she represents.  "May I know your name? And what can you tell me about this artifact?  Where do you think it is?  Do these soldiers know their business?"

[Insight 1d20+9 = 12+9 = 21
perception 1d20+7 = 13+7 = 20]

  • Teshi
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #509
I study the lady quizzically, wondering if she's to be trusted, and what her true purpose is, and for that matter, what group or person she represents.  "May I know your name? And what can you tell me about this artifact?  Where do you think it is?  Do these soldiers know their business?"

[Insight 1d20+9 = 12+9 = 21
perception 1d20+7 = 13+7 = 20]

"You can call me Rose," she replies evenly, and says, "the artifact itself is useless, but the necromantic principles it was designed upon are of great interest to my associates."  She eyes him keenly.  "Greater interest to us," she adds, "than to any other party  with whom you might feel inclined to explore a relationship."  She waves a dismissive hand.  "I'm sure the soldiers are useful enough for their sort."

Insight:  if she's lying to you overall, she's doing it skillfully enough that you can't tell.  However, she wasn't even attempting to conceal that Rose isn't her real name.  You can tell that despite her disaffected demeanor, this matter is quite important to her.
Perception:  up close, your impression of affluence is further reinforced.  Her nails are perfectly shaped and polished, her complexion flawlessly buffed, her hair glossy and subtly redolent of flowers.  She has clearly neither labored nor suffered the hardships of the road.  The fact that she's here indicates she is not a woman of leisure, but she is clearly no common brigand, either.

  • oblivion
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #510
I sigh and lean back against the wall behind my bench.  I see an opportunity, perhaps, to turn a handier profit than I'd hoped.

"Necromantic.  I wasn't told this job would involve undead sorcery.  Ancient undead sorcery, no doubt.  Nasty business.  And costly.

"If there's any more information, any at all, you could share, it might be key in helping me accomplish your goals."

[Dipolmacy:  1d20 +12 = 8+12=20]

  • Teshi
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #511
I sigh and lean back against the wall behind my bench.  I see an opportunity, perhaps, to turn a handier profit than I'd hoped.

"Necromantic.  I wasn't told this job would involve undead sorcery.  Ancient undead sorcery, no doubt.  Nasty business.  And costly.

"If there's any more information, any at all, you could share, it might be key in helping me accomplish your goals."

[Dipolmacy:  1d20 +12 = 8+12=20]

Again, her face doesn't much change, but her eyes are subtly amused - she is unoffended, and expected a bit of haggling.  "I see we've entered the negotiation phase," she says, and draws a small notebooks from her pocket and writes a figure on it - 2,000 galifars - and pushes it across the table to Ivello.  "Plus expenses, of course.  Expenses up front, the full balance on delivery of the artifact. 

"The military calls it Object 17, but it's more commonly known as the Skeleton Hand or the Scepter of Shadows.  If you accept our offer, I have some sketches and descriptions for you.  The mountains will be more dangerous than the magic," she adds, dismissing his concern about necromancy.  "But I am informed you are capable of handling the practical perils of archaeology."

  • oblivion
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #512
My pulse quickens a little as I contemplate 2000 galifars, but I try to look unimpressed. In my misspent youth, I'd not have blinked at losing so much on a throw at the table.  These days, though, t'would put me well on my way to reconciliation if I chose, or to whatever future I might desire.

"And the hazard bonus?"

  • Teshi
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #513
My pulse quickens a little as I contemplate 2000 galifars, but I try to look unimpressed. In my misspent youth, I'd not have blinked at losing so much on a throw at the table.  These days, though, t'would put me well on my way to reconciliation if I chose, or to whatever future I might desire.

"And the hazard bonus?"

"Three hundred," she says.  "And an additional three hundred for expedition expenses."  She adds mildly, "Although I should expect your could have expenses covered by the army, if you're a fast enough talker."

Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #514

Then, a sign of sentient life - a farmstead that is undergoing construction, not decomposition. You hear it before you see it, the sound of trees being felled and nails hammered.  When you crest a hill, you spot a clearing ahead that is too geometric to be natural, with a small but sound cabin of yellowish barely-weathered wood planks in the middle of it, and a few barely-distinguishable-at-this-distance figures moving around.  You could easily ride on past unnoticed, if you wanted.

"So what's our story, anyway?" I ask, stopping and looking over towards the farm.

Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #515
[I know I have to do the travel checks, don't quite know how they work, but keeping going...]

I hear Astra speak and glance behind me. "It may be our best chance for a warm night, and perhaps learn if the inhabitants have seen our predecessors. Could we pose as buyers of iron for our lord or some such fancy?"

Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #516
I pause a moment, then say cautiously, "You asking me, uh... Leatherleaf?"

Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #517
"Yes." I must look slightly baffled. It's hard to get used to being expected to just give orders again. I think it isn't what I should do. "What do you think?"

Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #518
"I'm not real good at coming up with lies," I say with a shrug.  "Don't usually bother.  But if it was me, I'd wanna know why a big group like ours, with this sorta serious weapons and armour, is out here doing something any merchant could do better."  And why the fuck there's a ghost following them, I think, eyeing Mari.

Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #519
"Good points." I raise my voice slightly to include the others. "Well? Anyone? Why would a bunch of well-armed people on clawfoots be travelling out here? I've a feeling we look to be exactly what we are, despite our mm lack of special jewelry. Mercenaries maybe?"

  • oblivion
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #520
The lady acquiesced so easily, I wonder if I've been played.  Played again, I remind myself wryly.  It's too late to wrest more coin, no doubt.

"Skeleton Hand.  Scepter of Shadows."  Titles like these might be bestowed on dozens of artifacts on any hillside or under the rubble of any ruin.

I wrack my memory, trying to bring some focus to elusive rumors I dimly recall.

[history 1d20+10 = 20+10 = 30]

  • Teshi
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Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #521
The lady acquiesced so easily, I wonder if I've been played.  Played again, I remind myself wryly.  It's too late to wrest more coin, no doubt.

"Skeleton Hand.  Scepter of Shadows."  Titles like these might be bestowed on dozens of artifacts on any hillside or under the rubble of any ruin.

I wrack my memory, trying to bring some focus to elusive rumors I dimly recall.

[history 1d20+10 = 20+10 = 30]


As a student of history, you are more aware than the average Karrn of how tenuous the Karrnathi position was before the undead armies were first raised.  But every Karrn, indeed any adult in the Five Nations, knows the bare bones of the story:  Karrnath, strong in martial prowess and bravery, with all citizenry on war footing, fighting fiercely but still being gnawed away by famine, beset on all sides by well-fed armies of populous nations, civilians and soldiers alike falling rapidly to disease, hunger, and enemy weapons.  And then, a brilliant masterstroke:  turning this weakness into an indomitable strength - armies of soldiers who that don't need food, that don't feel pain, whose number swell ever greater with every living person who falls. 

This is true enough, if coated now in a layer of mythologizing and oversimplification, but you know that in the early days, the art and science of necromancy was not the clean, regimented thing the Karrnathi military practices today, taught in academies, regulated by law.  It was a few naturally talented individuals and taboo breakers driving the endeavor, and more often than not, they seized upon whatever fell magics and powers they could, by whatever foul means required.  Wasn't the Skeleton Hand the name of the legendary weapon of some warlord of that period? 

You're uncertain - this recollection has a few holes in it, not the least of which is that Rose speaks as though this were an artifact from some bygone era, not the last century, and the fact that the name Skeleton Hand is the kind of grim bravado a Karrnathi warlord might come up with of from his own imagination, no connection necessarily needed to this particular object.  But it might be a place to begin research, at least.  Should you find somewhere one could conduct such research.

Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #522
"Good points." I raise my voice slightly to include the others. "Well? Anyone? Why would a bunch of well-armed people on clawfoots be travelling out here? I've a feeling we look to be exactly what we are, despite our mm lack of special jewelry. Mercenaries maybe?"

"Travelling circus?" I suggest. "No, mercenaries works for me."

Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #523
I nod at the mercenaries suggestion as well.  "Mercenaries are gonna look after their own stuff, you know," I comment as we start heading for the farmstead.  "Cept the leader, maybe.  But it'd look weird if I was seeing to the lizards and laying beds and all that for all of us.  Speaking of looking weird, is the ghost coming up to the house with us?"

Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Reply #524
I nod at the mercenaries suggestion as well.  "Mercenaries are gonna look after their own stuff, you know," I comment as we start heading for the farmstead.  "Cept the leader, maybe.  But it'd look weird if I was seeing to the lizards and laying beds and all that for all of us.  Speaking of looking weird, is the ghost coming up to the house with us?"

It takes real effort to mask my amusement. "Indeed, young comrade. I'm sure all with us are quite able and willing to see to our mounts and bedrolls and other personal business for the duration of the mission. Even..." I can't quite suppress a smile... "myself. Concern yourself with keeping us safe and secure, that is all that's required of you. As for Mari, that is up to her."