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D&D / Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Last post by Teshi -
[Arcana check for whether anything seemed off to me about the dream? 17+11=28]

Definitely.  It felt external to you, rather than something arising from your own subconscious, and oddly compelling.  Unfortunately you take a significant penalty to your check due to being asleep at the time, so you can't pin down more than a certainty that it was unnatural.
D&D / Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Last post by chaoschristian -
"Now," I say over breakfast in the private dining area, neatly cutting into my gammon steak.  "Explain to me this secret mission business.  You were told to hide your allegiance to the military?"

I stare at Karlach for a long moment, attempting to cover my exasperation.

But I hold my tongue.  This is Oleg's to sort out.  And a good measure to determine just how incompetent these commanders are.
D&D / Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Last post by jussr -
[Arcana check for whether anything seemed off to me about the dream? 17+11=28]

"Now," I say over breakfast in the private dining area, neatly cutting into my gammon steak.  "Explain to me this secret mission business.  You were told to hide your allegiance to the military?"
D&D / Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Last post by Teshi -
Despite Val's misgiving about the inn, that evening the service is good, the other patrons keep out of your way, and you settle in for the night without event, unless you count "excellent stew and passable stout" as an event. 

There is one oddity:  that night, Pepper, Oleg and Karlach all dream of the lake.  It calls to each by name, in a voice that echoes like old friends and lost loves.  Each in his or her dream stands alone on the shore, the mist curling around, soft and smooth as silk, while the waters rise up over bare feet, calves, knees...not icy, as one would expect, but comfortable and inviting, smelling not of fish and old duckweed, but of freshly laundered pillows.  They each awaken from their dreams just as the water engulfs them entirely.

Val and Mari experience no such visions.

The following morning, the inn serves an excellent breakfast!

[Okay, what are you guys up to in Irontown today?]
D&D / Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Last post by Teshi -

Stupidly beautiful drive, but I'm home now and settled back in.  Okay, let's get this thing rolling again.
D&D / Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Last post by chaoschristian -
Once can be a very long time.

I secure our mounts and Fondue in the livery of the inn.  Meticulously I primp and preen each creature, being sure to thoroughly clean out the talons and hooves especially of any rocks and grime.  I give the Master's horse a thorough brushing and clean and oil the tack as well.  Once the beasts of burden are attended to, I groom Fondue, and sing to her

You fill up my senses
 Like a night in a forest
 Like the mountains in springtime
 Like a walk in the rain
 Like a storm in the desert
 Like a sleepy blue ocean
 You fill up my senses
 Come fill me again

Come, let me love you
 Let me give my life to you
 Let me drown in your laughter
 Let me die in your arms
 Let me lay down beside you
 Let me always be with you
 Come, let me love you
 Come love me again

Let me give my life to you
 Come, let me love you
 Come love me again

You fill up my senses
 Like a night in a forest
 Like the mountains in springtime
 Like a walk in the rain
 Like a storm in the desert
 Like a sleepy blue ocean
 You fill up my senses
 Come fill me again

Satisfied the animals are well-tended, well fed, relaxed, safe and secure I carefully arrange our gear in a pile in a corner behind the claw-foots.  Anyone attempting to get at that would need to get by them first.

How long does this take?  Hours?  Does it matter?  Chair-jockeys and requisition control my fate now.  I imagine grim prospects ahead.  To serve even unto death and beyond, right Otto?  Well, I saved Creon from this.  Maybe that's enough.

D&D / Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Last post by jussr -
"Mmm," I acknowledge, not overly concerned by this vague report.  Black market dealings or the like, perhaps.  "Show us to the inn, then, Valenae," I say, and we follow where he leads.  Before entering, I hand my reins over to Palatinate and order, "Join us once you have seen to the beasts and our belongings," though I take my satchel myself.
D&D / Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Last post by Aden -
I shrug.

"Everything. The people don't fit the building in appearance or mannerisms. The bartender asked if I wanted extras but I don't know what he meant. But we got a very good price. I can't make head nor tail of it."
D&D / Re: D&D Campaign Thread: Winter of our Malcontents
Last post by jussr -
"Strange in what manner?" I ask, one eyebrow lifting.  "The location, the people, the building itself?"
D&D / Re: "Winter of our Malcontents" PG & Chat Thread
Last post by Diogenes -
Hey all, I've been running around this week taking care of my dad and missed the most recent posts. I should be able to jump back in this weekend.