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Topic: April Camp Nanowrimo (Read 10956 times) previous topic - next topic

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  • oblivion
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April Camp Nanowrimo
Anyone else plan to do this?

My plans right now are to continue working on my Gideon Saga revisions, and to do at least one substantive blog post per week.  By substantive I mean 2000+ polished words with appropriate images and citations, on 4-5 different topics that I want to become recurring themes on my blog.  And I want to get into the habit of promoting my blog entries via social media.

When the July Nanowrimo comes around, I want to tackle something new in the way of fiction.  I have a couple ideas for stories not set anywhere near the Gideon milieu, but have been reluctant to start something new and further distract myself from finishing it.

It would be cool to put together a cabin!

Re: April Camp Nanowrimo
Reply #1
A... cabin?

I have never done a Nanowrimo!

  • oblivion
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Re: April Camp Nanowrimo
Reply #2

A virtual cabin!

Up to twelve writers group together and pool their wordcount goals and progress.

I did Camp Nanowrimo last summer.  It was a mixed experience.  Most of the cabin didn't participate very visibly.  With an active group for cabin-mates I think there would be value to the experience.  Writing is a solo exercise most of the time, and often feels lonely and even isolating.

  • oblivion
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Re: April Camp Nanowrimo
Reply #3
I'll be participating in this camp nanowrimo under the name oblivion_dt.  I plan to set up a private cabin as soon as allowed, which is in 12 days, I think.

If you want to join the cabin, let me know your nanowrimo account name either here or by private message, and I'll send you an invite.

Re: April Camp Nanowrimo
Reply #4
Yeah, okay, I'll join in :)

  • oblivion
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Re: April Camp Nanowrimo
Reply #5
Hey it looks like I can already add/invite people to a cabin.   Send your account name to me and we can see if it works.

  • oblivion
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Re: April Camp Nanowrimo
Reply #6
Day 1 - 1856 words.  655 words worth of blog article, and 1201 words worth of fairy tale.

Re: April Camp Nanowrimo
Reply #7
These happen during literally the worst possible months for a student. It's always during finals month.

  • oblivion
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Re: April Camp Nanowrimo
Reply #8

There's another Camp Nanowrimo that's always in July.

This year, I'm kinda transitioning to a year-round writing schedule.    A daily schedule doesn't work, but weekly goals is working pretty well.  It makes the task less monolithic looking.  I'm incorporating writing side-projects, too, and research about the writing industry or author/reader/middlemen ecosystem as it's currently evolving.

I've decided to publish a weekly round-up of articles on self-publishing vs traditional, promotion, etc on my blog. It's mostly for my own benefit, but it may be useful to others, also.

  • oblivion
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Re: April Camp Nanowrimo
Reply #9
omg omg omg I'm getting ready to send a short novel out to beta readers.

Equal parts scared and excited!

  • oblivion
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Re: April Camp Nanowrimo
Reply #10
I met my goals for April's Nano, though last week was a bit of a struggle.

I did a full edit of my novel.  There's a ton yet to do, but this edit put things into good shape for beta readers to go through.  I wrote 16 blog articles in April.  It worked out to 3 articles per week on average on my main blog, and 2 additional articles on the food blog.

I had a bunch of other writing related projects for the month that didn't directly involve writing - networking with other writers, reading articles on the business end of writing - publishing and promoting, and I began a study of writers blogs that are excellent at engaging readers and creating a small community around their work.  C. J. Cherryh does an amazing job at this.  Her blog is visually very busy looking with hardly any white space at all, but she has a very dedicated following of readers who chat with her and with each other.  You don't just snap your fingers and make something like that happen, but I feel like there are some learnings for me in what she and other writers do to engage their readers.