8 Strategies for Tackling — and Completing — a Camp NaNoWriMo Project

These simple strategies can put you on your way to a successful month of writing.

NaNoWriMo is famous among aspiring writers as an opportunity to struggle along with hundreds of thousands of other writers around the world to write a 50,000+ word novel in a single month — November.  Camp NaNoWriMo is a more freewheeling project where you choose your own goal for the month.  It doesn’t have to be a novel.  It doesn’t even have to be fiction.  Have a screenplay idea?  Want to put together a collection of poetry?  Want to publish a blog article every day for a month?  Whatever your goal, Camp NaNoWriMo can accommodate it, and provide you with a group of like-minded souls to commiserate with and cheer on.  You pick your goal.  It doesn’t have to come with a word count goal, though you may find that having one makes it easier to measure your progress through the month. Continue reading “8 Strategies for Tackling — and Completing — a Camp NaNoWriMo Project”