I am working on what I hope is the final revision of a novel I wrote a few years ago. It’s time to commit to publishing the story this year. To accomplish that, I need a critique partner.
I learned to love excellent writing by reading great authors of my favorite genres. But, reading novels didn’t teach me how to write one. One of my favorite authors wrote a book about writing, including plot thickening, and that book, in a roundabout way, is the subject of this article.
Nano Blog and Social Media Hop
This article is part of the incomparable Raimey Gallant’s Author Toolbox Bloghop. Be sure to check out the other great articles in this series!
A gaggle of girls from ages 4 to 12 are clothed in pretty dresses with flowers woven into their hair. They giggle, squeal, point and hug each other on this gorgeous late spring May Day. The older girls, with help from some of the moms, get the group organized. Each girl holds a bright ribbon attached to a tall Maypole erected in the park. The music starts.
Arkansas’ attorney general and governor decided to kill eight death row inmates before the state’s precious (and questionable) supply of death-dealing drugs expires at the end of this month. This decision set off state-level, national and international public outcries, and a mad scramble to appeal and defend the execution decisions.
Are you an aspiring or established author? Are you looking for tips and tools to make revisions easier and more thorough? Welcome to my inaugural Author Toolbox article about revision and editing tools and processes that I am using to get my novel ready for publication.
This article is part of the incomparable Raimey Gallant’s Author Toolbox Bloghop. The bloghop was announced on my birthday and just before the April 2017 Camp NaNoWriMo. How could I resist?