Keeping It Real III

On April 19, I set out some goals for the next few months on my path to getting my novel The Gideon Effect published and some objectives for the week. And with that, I inaugurated a weekly to-do list for my writing and blog projects. Today, I look back at last week’s list, see how I did, and give myself some new assignments for the coming week.

Last week’s objectives:

Due to several unexpected and urgent events this week, I spent tons of time on activities I hadn’t planned, and my writing time suffered.  I’m not looking forward to reporting my progress this week!

Short Story
  • The short story will be my highest priority for the early part of the week.  I’ll write 3 scenes.  One scene written
  • Incorporate late chapter 1 feedback and chapter 2 feedback due by the end of this week. About 70% done
  • Get chapter 3 ready to for the beta readers Done, but I was 2 days late in emailing Chapter 3 to the beta readers.
  • Write and publish an article about Lamb Curry for the Play With Your Food blog. Done, here
  • Write and publish an article for  the “Wherein” series.  Not done.
  • Research, write and publish an article for the Roundup series. Done, here 2 days late
  • Maaaaybe write an article based on something from my history/anthropology newsfeed. Not done.
Book Reviews
  • Write and publish another book review on the blog, Goodreads, and Amazon.  For now, I’ll continue with my process from last week.  I’ll read a couple new-to-me books and choose the book I enjoyed most for the review. Not done.  I read a book I originally intended to write a review for last week, but I disliked the subject matter so much that I don’t think I could write an objective review.
  • Continue researching and identifying blogs of interest.  Done.  Many of the blogs are about writing and the publishing industry, and they’ll show up in the Weekly Writer’s Roundup occasionally.  But, several are writers’ blogs more geared toward interacting with readers and building a community of people interested in their stories and characters.  I want to to learn how the writers who do this successfully approach their blogs.  I will eventually write an article about my findings, but I don’t have a due date in mind. 
  • Subscribe to at least 3 new blogs.  Document this.  Beauty and the BookwormBeth F BrownellL. Anne Wooley, That Writer Chick, Rianne Moss
  • Rather than join another group this week, spend more time getting to know the AbsoluteWrite group.  I did both.  As well as reading at AbsoluteWrite, I joined a site another writer recommended to me, SSFWorld
  • Participate in Nanowrimo Promo Friday.  Further, find at least 3 opportunities to help promote others’ efforts on social media or the blog.  Done.  I’ve participated in 3-4 Thunderclap promotions this week, volunteered to help a writer with her online release party, and used social media to promote articles and projects I like.

This is all a fair amount of effort, and I’ve found that the novel and blog are taking up so much time that I’m not making the rounds on my anthropology newsfeeds. I’d like to fix that! I read part of my backlog.  Next week I want to write a blog article or two on these topics!  Not Done!

This Week:

Short Story
  • I’m going to keep the short story a priority for this week.  I’ll see if I can write 2 scenes before the end of the week.
  • Incorporate late chapter 2 feedback and chapter 3 feedback due by the end of this week.
  • Get chapter 4 ready to for the beta readers,  Send it out on Friday.
  • Write and publish an article for  the “Wherein” series.
  • Research, write and publish an article for the Roundup series
  • Maaaaybe write an article based on something from my history/anthropology newsfeed
Book Reviews
  • Write and publish another book review on the blog, Goodreads, and Amazon.  For now, I’ll continue with the process I’ve been using.  I’ll read a couple new-to-me books and choose the book I enjoyed most for the review.  If I strongly dislike a book based on the subject matter, I won’t write a review.  Eventually I want to start answering writers’ requests for volunteer reviewers for their new works.
  • Continue researching and identifying blogs of interest.
  • Participate on other blogs as is appropriate.
  • Spend time with the writers groups I already belong to.
  • Participate in Nanowrimo Promo Friday.  Find at least 3 opportunities to help promote others’ efforts on social media or the blog.

I’ll report back next Monday!

photo credit: ENZO’S PAPERBLANKS via photopin (license)

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